

Convened by
Mattijs van de Port Janine Prins

This panel seeks to expand theoretical ambitions in visual anthropology. We explore audio-visual modes of report that speak about existential issues via the minutiae of life-as-lived. We invite visual anthropologists to bring video fragments that provide examples of theorizing in and through film.

Speakers will include: Anja Dreschke, Michaela Schäuble (University of Bern), Eda Elif Tibet, Maisa Alhafe (University of Bern), Barley Norton (Goldsmiths, University of London), Ektoras Arkomanis (London Metropolitan University), Ricardo Leizaola (Goldsmiths College, University of London), Judith Aston (University of the West of England), Paolo Favero (University of Antwerp).

More details to follow.

This is a two-part panel; Part II will take place 15:30 - 17:00 on Fri 29 March in Waterside 3.

All conference sessions are open to those with Day or Full Festival Passes. No booking required, but arrive early to avoid disappointment as capacity is limited.

In the 2019 RAI Film Fest