
[the-george-brandt-lecture-an-open-conversation-with-hugh-brody--Gala event-image]
The George Brandt Lecture - An Open Conversation with Hugh Brody '
Gala event
  Convened by Jacqueline Maingard Angela Piccini .
The RAI Life Achievement Award, which has been given at a number of RAI Film Festivals since 1990, has been awarded in 2017 to anthropologist, filmmaker and writer Hugh Brody. In collaboration with the Department of Film and Television at the University of Bristol, Hugh will give the 2017 George Brandt Lecture, which was first established to commemorate the founder of Film and Television Studies at the University of Bristol. This will take the form of an Open Conversation between Hugh and Jacqueline Maingard and Angela Piccini of the Department of Film and Television. It will be supported by clips from Hugh’s films and followed by a Q&A. Hugh Brody has worked with Inuit and First Nations of Canada since the 1970s, supporting their land claims and indigenous rights through cultural mapping. In the 1990s, he was invited to apply similar methods to support the land claims of displaced ‡Khomani San (Bushmen) in South Africa. He has also played key roles in commissions of inquiry on the impact of industrial development on aboriginal peoples in the USA and India. Hugh has documented this work in both award-winning documentaries and best-selling books ("The People’s Land", "Maps and Dreams", "The Other Side of Eden"). Hugh has directed films on many other topics, including the documentaries "England’s Henry Moore" and "Inside Australia", about Antony Gormley’s installation of his sculptures in the Western Desert. He also directed the fictional feature "Nineteen Nineteen", about the reunion in Vienna of Freud’s last two surving patients, starring Paul Scofield, Maria Schell and a young Colin Firth. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COACH WILL LEAVE THE WATERSHED CINEMA AT 5:30 pm TO TAKE GUESTS TO POWELL LECTURE THEATRE