RAI Film is the Film section of the Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) – the world‘s longest-established scholarly association dedicated to the furtherance of anthropology (the study of humankind) in its broadest and most inclusive sense.
This website contains four main sections: the RAI Film festival, a selection of documentary films available via Vimeo on demand, the Ethnographic Film Catalogue and the Festival Archives. Please use the links below to browse these sections.
Find out about RAI Film Festival
On the RAI Film Festival Section of this website, you can find out about the upcoming festival, how to submit your film and where you can view this year’s festival films.
RAI Film view on demand
A selection of documentary films from the RAI Film Catalogue is available via Vimeo on demand. This is meant for personal viewing on a rental basis.
Search the Ethnographic Film Catalogue
We offer an extensive ethnographic film catalogue (over 600 titles) that are variously available to purchase as DVDs, personal rent on demand (Vimeo VOD), and accessible to institutions via our online streaming partners for educational and academic purposes.
Browse RAI Film Festival Archives
The past editions of the RAI Film Festival are archived here.