2010 / 15 minutes
- Directed by
- Michele Trentini
- Anthropologist
- Giovanni Kezich
- Country of production
- Italy
- Series
- Carnival King of Europe
Institutional use
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Carnival trials such as that held in Valda, in the mountains of Trentino, are commonplace throughout Europe. Death sentence is for granted.
This film is part of Carnival King of Europe DVD 8 – STRAW MEN AND HUMAN SACRIFICE. The climax of the masquerade, which marks a turning point in social time, is the staging of a human sacrifice by the burning of a ritual dummy.
Films included in DVD 8: The trial, sentence and execution of Johnny Woodstock (14:30 minutes), The Passion and Death of the Carlisèp (19 minutes), The Short Happy Life of the Poklad (26:30 minutes), The Bear Chase (7 minutes), The Beautiful White Masks of Rèsije (15 minutes).
- Region
- South-East Europe
- Country
- Italy
- Keywords
- Festivals / Carnival Folklore