Do we live in an age of mobility, or immobility? How might we understand the right to move or to stay put as uneven resources, differentially distributed across entanglements of race, gender, caste, and class? Through their artworks, submitted as part of their studies on the MA Migration & Diaspora Studies programme, SOAS MA students engage creative research methods to trace and illuminate the everyday lives and afterlives of borders across a broad range of times, places and contexts. Their pieces ask us to reflect upon the myriad ways in which artistic processes can enrich ethnographic research methods and support decolonial modes of study.

Curators: Anna Löfstrand, Neena Porter, Federica Guadagnolo, Yasmine Vivian Mattoussi, Bridget Rickman, Andreina Maria Cristina Patruno, Julia Dagg, Rukmini Banerjee, Tansha Vohra, Charlotte Sanders.

A live discussion with the contributors will take place on Zoom on Wednesday 8th March, 14:30-16:15 UTC. Find the papers’ abstracts and a link to join the live discussion here.